Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Introduction

Welcome All :) I am SHIVAANI. Yes this is my name. As per this world, this is my pseudo name. But who cares? Let me call it as the name of my soul. Does any one in this world has a name for their soul? I know, I am the blessed one. For the first time, I heard this name when I was a school going girl. Later, I came to know that the meaning of the name is Mrs.Lord Shiva. Since then, it is my secret name. Which other name could suit me best? :)

How can I introduce myself? What is my identity in this world? If I say that I am a soul who is passionately in love with Lord Shiva, then that is the best way to introduce me. Yeah that is my
TRUE identity. I am madly in love with him, since my childhood.

Enjoy my blog. I would be very glad to receive your feed backs about my blog. Please feel free to express your views :)

Blog Introduction

What is the purpose of this blog?

          Welcome to Shivaani's blog :) I have been madly in love with Lord Shiva since my childhood. I remember the day when I was in my second standard and told myself that I am too young to be his devotee and decided to worship Lord Vignesh. Again when I went to my 10th standard my madness for Shiva surfaced my heart. Got crazy for him. I continued believing that he will come down to earth to marry me. Did I find him? :) I am going to speak about it sometime in my blog. 

           Later, after some years, I stayed away from being too spiritual in doing poojas or fasting. but still I felt that I love him the same way or it grew deeper from a different angle. Nothing had shaken my trust on him. Never doubted his presence. Then I grew up to be a person who believes that everything that happens in life is only for good. Goodness might not be visible outside but I believe that it is going to be the ultimate outcome of whatever happens in life. So, to a great extent I have started being able to accept whatever that happens in life which goes beyond my control. We all travel in the same boat right? Even if we grow more matured, stable and sensible at a lot of times, there are moments our emotions or insensibility break out. I am going to write or share about many surprisingly beautiful things that will give us more stability, happiness or peace. I can assure you that this blog is going to have many thing that will interest people who trust God and enjoy spirituality (with songs and the fruitful result of those songs sung on many Hindu Gods), yes of course with the obvious promise that my blog's content will be something that you will rarely find on any other blog on internet. 

  I have read somewhere that souls that are at the end of their journey (reaches closer to salvation) will feel devoted to Lord Shiva. 

அவன் பிறப்பறுக்கும் எங்கள் பெருமான் அல்லவா ? :)

This is my first poem to Lord Shiva, who has been my irresistible love since childhood. This blog is dedicated to Him. 

உலகத்தின் முதல் மற்றும்
இரண்டாம் கருக்கள் நாம் தான்
ஊழிக் காலத்தில் கடைசி நர்த்தனம்
ஆட போவதும் நாம் தான்
இடைப்பட்ட அற்பமான உலக வாழ்வில்
என் மனம் அமிழ்ந்து விடாமல்
என் உயிரை உன் காதல் பிடிக்குள்
என்றும் வைத்திரு சர்வேஸ்வரா!
- ஷிவானி