Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Introduction

Welcome All :) I am SHIVAANI. Yes this is my name. As per this world, this is my pseudo name. But who cares? Let me call it as the name of my soul. Does any one in this world has a name for their soul? I know, I am the blessed one. For the first time, I heard this name when I was a school going girl. Later, I came to know that the meaning of the name is Mrs.Lord Shiva. Since then, it is my secret name. Which other name could suit me best? :)

How can I introduce myself? What is my identity in this world? If I say that I am a soul who is passionately in love with Lord Shiva, then that is the best way to introduce me. Yeah that is my
TRUE identity. I am madly in love with him, since my childhood.

Enjoy my blog. I would be very glad to receive your feed backs about my blog. Please feel free to express your views :)